Carol Andrews

The Rosetta Stone


DKK 45,00

Varenr. 91.21 – Uindbundet. – 1985. –  Illustreret. –  31 sider. – A4 format. –  Pænt eksemplar med navn på indersiden af omslaget. – 45 kr.

“The Rosetta Stone is named from its findplace in the Western Delta, a small village called Rashid, better known to Europeans as Rosetta. The circumstances of its discovery in mid-July 1799 are in some doubt. According to one  version, it was just lying on the ground, but the likelier account records  that it was built into a very old wall which a company of French soldiers had been ordered to demolish in order to clear the way for the foundations of an extension to the fort later known as Fort Julien. Napoleon’s map of Egypt shows Fort Julien to have stood on the west or left bank of the Nile.” ( s. 9)

British Museum Publications - 1985

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INDHOLD: Hieroglyphs before decipherment. – The discovery of the Rosetta Stone. – How the Stone came to England. – Description of the Stone. – The earlier decipherers of the Rosetta Stone. – The method of  deciogernment. – The contents of the Rosetta Stone. – The Greek section of the Rosetta Stone. – The ancient Egyptian language. – The hieroglyphic alphabet.