Pfiffner, Albert

Henri Nestlé. From farmacist’s assistant to founder og the world’s largest food company


DKK 135,00

Henri Nestlé (1814-1890) was 53 years old by the time he develpoed the infant cereal that was to make his name a household word. And he owed his success to an ability to overcome setbacks, question old ways of doing Things, and single-mindedly persevere in new ones. As a practical-minded hands-on entrepreneur with his own chemistry lab, Nestlé developed a surprising range of activities. His versatility shows itself first in the Development and production of such products as artificial mineral Water, liqueurs, vinegar, fertilizer, liquid gas and Portland cement.

Nestlé S. A. Vevey 1999

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INDHOLD: Childhood and youth in Frankfurt am Main. – Move to Switzerland: Historicial background and personal motives. – Pharmacist’s assistant in Vevey 1839-1843. – Merchant, chemist and inventor 1843-1861. – The problem of infant Nutrition. – Personal situation. – Nestlé and the Construction industry 1866-1867. – The Development of infant cereal. – Devolopment of the Nestlé Company. – Financing. – Production of infant cereal. – The people befind the scenes. – The Nestlé brand name and nest symbol. – Advertising af PR. – Development of the Company. – The company is sold. – Epilogue.- Uindbundet. – 141 sider. – Illustreret. – Pænt eksemplar.